Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Christian 's Mission Statement

 My mission or purpose in life is first and foremost to serve God. The road to this point of my life has been a long and arduous. Almost three years ago, I sat in my bedroom feeling lost and without any purpose or direction. It was then that I bowed my head and humbling myself asked God for forgiveness and to become the compass of  my life. I had tried and failed to live life apart from His grace and presence in my life. Through an old friend from high school, I came into Voice of Hope Ministries and began to go through a life changing process. This ministry is unlike any I have ever been a part of before, mainly because of its  uncompromising and humble nature. The Gospel that is preached here in a small church of about 20 members is not served up buffet style so as not to offend people who like to play church or people the pastor knows who are living in sin. When you have a church that preaches the whole Gospel, the people who play church either stay away or they decide to get serious with God. As I not only listened to what I was taught, but put it into practice, the life I once knew, filled with self-centeredness , coarse joking and lusts of the flesh were replaced by a life that was God-centered and Godly desires as I learned what it truly meant to be a Christian and how enjoyable a relationship with Christ could be.

In the brief time that I have been a Christian, I have seen, heard, and experienced many things that have helped me discover who I am and why I am here. The answers to these questions are different for everyone. No two people have the exact same purpose in life, but all need one thing to accomplish it, Jesus Christ. Without Christ in our lives, life is as meaningless as a computer without a processor or battery, it can't function properly and is nothing more than dead weight. After submitting my life to God, I found that my purpose was to serve Him with the talents and abilities he has given me. Out of my love for music and creativity, God has cultivated within me a talent for writing Christian lyrics. I strongly believe that God has a big purpose for this talent in strengthening the faith others and encouraging to get right with God and follow Him wholeheartedly, whether they are Christian or not. While the exact purpose and extent to which God will use the talents he's given me has not yet been revealed, it has certainly began to take shape and I'm excited to see what God will do in the days, months, and years ahead. I know that as long as I stay humble and in step with the Spirit that God will continue to equip me with all that I need to succeed in becoming the best witness I can be of the Gospel of Christ and exemplify the victory that is found only in  a life completely surrendered to God.

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